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After the the press conference to present the Appia Day (May 11th, 2019), the Urbanexperience, in the person of C. Infante, organized a radio walkabout, in streaming and geolocalized on the theme of the geodetic activities carried out along the
The Collegio Romano is extraordinarily open to the public by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities. Visitors will be offered a tour with headphones, listening to discover Father Angelo Secchi and his multifaceted genius.
He was a brilliant exponent of
On the occasion of the bicentenary of Angelo Secchi’s birth, the Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum organizes a study day on the illustrious Jesuit scientist that will frame Secchi’s work on astronomy and meteorology in the context of the most recent

June 28, 2018: at the start the celebrations of the bicentenary of the birth of Angelo Secchi SJ
At the start the celebrations for the bicentenary of the birth of the illustrious scientist Angelo Secchi SJ, born in Reggio Emilia on June 28, 1818.
The National Committee established by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, MiBACT, last February and managed by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics, INAF, and the Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL in collaboration with other national Institutions, will have the task of coordinating the various scientific and cultural initiatives that aim at enhancing knowledge and appreciation for the multifaceted figure of the eminent scholar.
The events will provide the occasion to valorize the tangible and intangible historical heritage Secchi left and at the same time evidence the quality of Italian astronomy and of the other sciences which can be traced back to his findings.